
Thank you for becoming a member of the Housing Alliance! Now that you’ve become a member, it’s time to start participating in the coalition.


We organize ourselves into three workgroups where we discuss policy proposals and implementation. Workgroups identify potential policy ideas, shape them into proposals through feedback and discussion, and when the proposal is ready, forward them to the membership for approval.

The three workgroups are:

  • Homelessness & Tenant Protections: This workgroup identifies and discusses issues related to preventing and ending homelessness, including access to shelters, information and referral, exiting homelessness, permanent supportive housing, crisis intervention services, and more. The workgroup also identifies and discusses issues related to protecting tenants including screening and applications, eviction prevention, rent assistance, and more.
    This workgroup meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 3 – 5 PM.
  • Development, Land Use & Preservation: This workgroup identifies and discusses issues related to building and maintaining affordable housing. The workgroup discusses funding for new development or preservation, property tax exemptions, tax credits, as well as issues related to land use that impact the development of affordable housing.
    This workgroup meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 2:30 – 4 PM.
  • Homeownership & Asset Building: This workgroup identifies and discusses issues related to accessing and maintaining homeownership (down payment assistance, development, education, counseling, foreclosure prevention), and asset building such as individual development accounts or the earned income tax credit. This workgroup also discusses issues related to manufactured housing and manufactured home parks.
    This workgroup meets on the third Monday of the month from 10 AM – 12 PM.

Each workgroup has an email list-serve managed through Google Groups. By signing up for one of the email lists, you will receive messages about upcoming meetings, announcements, and materials. To sign up, you’ll need a google account (you can create a google account with your work email address). Sign up by clicking on the links below:

Need help? Read this tutorial on joining a google group. Still need help? Email Margot.


All the detailed policy work and discussion happens at the workgroups. Members are encouraged to join a workgroup and begin attending meetings. The membership meets regularly to hear from each of the workgroups, raise questions and concerns, and eventually, to vote on proposals forwarded by the workgroups.

During the Legislative session, members receive weekly updates about what’s happening during the legislative session.

By completing the membership form, you automatically signed up for the Housing Alliance email list, which is critical to be able to vote on proposals, hear about what’s happening, get important updates, and during session, to track what’s happening. If you would like to unsubscribe from the email list or are not receiving emails, email Margot for help.