Save the Date! 2018 Housing Opportunity Day!

Every year, we travel to the Capitol for Housing Opportunity Day. Housing Opportunity Day is a chance to advocate on behalf of people experiencing housing instability, and to share with Legislators why it matters that we all have a safe place to call home.

Attendees receive in-depth training on housing issues and how to have a successful legislative meeting. After the training, we head over to the Capitol in groups to meet with key legislators to talk about how the Legislature can help meet Oregon’s critical housing needs.

Lobby days are fun and impactful. To find out why, read a firsthand account one attendee’s experience here.

Your voices make the difference, and Housing Opportunity Days are one of the best times to speak out. If you’re a first-time attendee, we make it easy for you to jump in to legislative advocacy, and if you’ve been before, we are excited to have you join us again!

Stay tuned for a link to register!

Categorized as Advocacy