Take Action Today to Extend our Eviction Moratorium!

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Meet Samm, she ROC’s!

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Take Action Today to Protect People staying in their homes

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Updated Eviction Moratorium Information, April

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Eviction and Foreclosure Moratorium Information

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Our testimony to the Oregon Legislature on Corona Virus Response

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End of the 2020 Legislative Session

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Residents of Affordable Housing at RE:Conference!

By Reyna Gillet Our yearly RE:Conference is just a short three months away.  In keeping with the trend of introducing innovative and inspirational ideas to our conference-goers, we are pleased to announce this year’s RE:Conference will include a track for affordable housing residents. We will be providing opportunities for advocates to learn how to sharpen…

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You’re Invited! 2019 Legislative Session Celebration

You’re invited! We’re hosting a celebration of the 2019 Legislative session, our Housing Opportunity victories, and to thank our Housing Champions! What: Come join the celebration! We will be taking a look back at everything that was accomplished during the 2019 Legislative session, and we’ll be saying a special thank you to our Legislators who…

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2019 Legislative Session Recap

Wow. I think we can say with absolutely certainty that we have never seen a Legislative session quite like that! From the early passage of landmark protections for renters, to historic investments in affordable housing, to the passage of a bill that legalizes more housing options across Oregon, to the end of a session complete…

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